For children with and without nystagmus – the best entries will shortly be awarded fabulous prizes
Raindrops story writing and drawing competition for children
Thank you to everyone who entered the Raindrops story writing competition for Nystagmus Awareness Day 2021.
Sorry – the competition deadline has now passed
Here are just a few extracts from some of the stories
Raindrops are beautiful if you give them a chance.
People find raindrops a nuisance until they see a rainbow.
When raindrops get on my hair it becomes curly.
They taste splodgy and disappear when they hit your mouth.
Raindrops make my clothes wet.
When I see raindrops, I want to grab my raincoat and go out to play in the rain.
Raindrops are getting in my eyes and I can see only blur.
Rain is the life for all flowers.
Raindrops are rushing to the ground.
Our judges are now busily reading all your Raindrops stories and deciding the winners of each age category. Prizes include books signed by your favourite children’s author.
A bundle of 5 books from our lovely friends at Bookwagon
The Rock from The Sky by Jon Klaessen |
Pop by Mitch Johnson |
Great People Who Reached For the Stars |
How to be a Footballer |
Twitch |
Books and bookmarks signed by the fabulous author, Tim Pearce
Secret Agent Striker (signed book)- 3 copies
Secret Agent Striker (signed bookmark) – 3 copies
PLUS – Tim will be featuring the Nystagmus Network monster, created by the children at his author workshop in his very next book
Book signed by creative children’s illustrator, Rob Biddulph
Meet the judges
The Raindrops story writing competition will be judged by authors Katherine Mengardon, Tim Pearce and Nadine Neckles.

Katherine Mengardon is a creative education author and strategist with years of experience developing innovative online programmes for the BBC, Cartoon Network, Google, Pearson and Nesta to name a few.
She aspires to open children’s eyes and minds to a new fun way of learning and equip them with the tools to prepare for a bright future.
For the past four years, she was Chief Educator at Little Inventors and developed popular resources to take creativity and invention to children across the world. She is the author of The Little Inventors Handbook, Little Inventors Go Green and Little Inventors in Space.
Katherine also works as an illustrator in her spare time.
Find Katherine on Amazon Smile here
Tim Pearce

Tim Pearce is a Sunday Times bestselling author … in his dreams, described by many as creative, passionate and short. In his spare time, when not writing, Tim is a football coach at Camberley Town Youth Football Club which has provided much inspiration for his books. Tim’s mission is to create stories that keep children’s attention with enough mystery to leave them wanting to read more, encouraging them to put away technology and use their imagination whilst hopefully finding a new love for reading.
Find Tim on Amazon Smile here
Nadine Neckles

Thanks to her book ‘Can I tell you about nystagmus?’, children and their parents feel better able to explain nystagmus to others. In 2020, with the country in lockdown and schools closed, Nadine came up trumps again with advice and tips for parents struggling with homeschooling. She has now published her Journey Journals for nystagmus mums and dads.