Disabled Children’s Register

Disabled Children’s Register

The Children Act 1989 requires all local authorities to establish a register of children with a disability in their area. This register is used to assist service planning to meet the needs of children with disabilities and their families.

Registering is entirely voluntary and the information held on the register is confidential. Children’s names are added to the register at their parent’s request and, in return, parents will receive information that may be relevant to them about childcare and services available in their area.

You can ask your Health Visitor, Social worker or local Family Information Services about this.

Find your local Family Information Services contact details using the Childcare and Family Services Finder, provided free by The Family and Childcare Trust. Links to the Family Information Services Finder for Scotland and Wales are just below the main search prompt.

Max card

Some local authorities also offer families with children on the disabled children’s register, a Max card which provides discounted access to participating venues across the UK.

Other local authorities provide different discount opportunities and it is worth asking whether this is the case in your local area.