
Please consider taking up membership of the Nystagmus Network to support the work of the charity through annual subscription.

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of belonging, to know that you’re part of a community and among friends, all working for the same goals as you.

That’s why the Nystagmus Network is a membership organisation.

The more people we represent who are living with nystagmus, or have an interest in the condition, the better able the charity will be to influence real change and to make your voice heard.

Membership benefits include:

  • Priority booking at events 
  • One to one education support
  • Referral to specialist advice and guidance on benefits
  • A proportion of your subscription will go directly into research
  • The right to have your voice heard at the annual general meeting
  • Knowing you are supporting a small charity to do a great job

Members also enjoy exclusive editions of our digital newsletter, Focus and can join our members only Facebook group.


Membership of the Nystagmus Network is by regular giving (Direct Debit). You can cancel your DD at any time if you no longer wish to remain as a member.

Join the Nystagmus Network here