A young woman with long, wavy 'red' hair smiles for the camera.

Marlow’s Story

I was born with nystagmus and multiple other eye conditions. I was put in gymnastics at an early age to help with coordination and balance. This led me into cheerleading and eventually earning a bronze medal and the cheerleading world championships in 2019. I also am a black belt in taekwondo. Sports have helped strengthen motor functions that are limited due to my vision.

Currently, I am a history teacher living in Las Vegas Nevada. Living in a city helps me get from one place to another because I cannot drive.

Although being legally blind affects my day to day life in negative ways, it also has changed my attitude and perspective on life. I am more patient and understanding with others because of my experiences with limited vision. My communication skills and determination have also been positively impacted by my disability.

Overall, the Nystagmus Network has been a great community to share triumphs and struggles with people who truly understand. Congratulations on 40 years of the Nystagmus Network!


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