Local nystagmus get togethers

The Nystagmus Network runs local get togethers, thanks to the support of our wonderful volunteers. To join one of them or even host your own, please contact us today. Everyone welcome!

Our volunteers currently hold regular local meet ups in Manchester and Banbury. Please email us at info@nystagmusnet.org for details.

Although 1 in 1,000 people has nystagmus you can go a whole lifetime without meeting anyone else who has the condition. That’s why the Nystagmus Network is setting up a series of regional nystagmus get togethers in cafes, museums, galleries, parks, pubs and village halls. In 2025 we have plans for events in Maidstone, Birmingham, Bristol and Leeds. To join one of these, please email us or watch this space for news of more local groups.

Our small staff team can’t do this on their own. We need your help!

If you can help the Nystagmus Network to set up and run a local group or face to face meet up, a chance for people living with nystagmus: adults, children and young people and their parents, to get together to share experiences and support, please email us at info@nystagmusnet.org Thank you.