Annual General Meeting 2023
Notice is hereby given that members of the Nystagmus Network are warmly invited to join trustees to attend the rescheduled Annual General Meeting at 7pm on Wednesday 10 July online and exercise their right to vote. Members will receive a Zoom link to join the meeting.
Please note that the meeting scheduled for 27 June was not quorate and could not go ahead.
Wednesday 10 July 2024 at 7pm (online)
The AGM will be chaired by Vivien Jones, Founder and Honorary President
- Apologies
- To approve the minutes of the AGM held on Monday 4 December 2023
- To receive the annual statement of accounts*: introduced by Vicky Pitman, Treasurer, and followed by questions.
- To receive the Trustees’ Annual Report*: introduced by Tim Cuddeford, Chair, and followed by questions.
- Board of Trustees
To accept the retirement by rotation and reappointment of Vicky Pitman, Tim Cuddeford, Karen Chu and Harshal Kubavat as Trustees.
To re-appoint Paul Rose as Trustee (noting that he had been appointed as Trustee by the Board of Trustees since the last AGM).
To note that the following stood down as trustees in 2023: Miriam Blackburn, David Singleton, James Singleton
To confirm that following the passing of the above resolutions, the Trustees in office immediately following closure of this meeting will be: Vivien Jones (Honorary President), Tim Cuddeford (Chair), Peter Greenwood (Vice Chair), Vicky Pitman (Treasurer), Kathryn Swanston (Secretary), Karen Chu, John Vekinis, Harshal Kubavat, Sharon Clifford, Andrew McFarlane and Paul Rose.
- Any other business
*Please download meeting documents below
Agenda Nystagmus Network AGM 10 July 2024
Minutes Nystagmus Network AGM 4 December 2023
Nystagmus Network Trustees’ Annual Review 2023 FINAL reduced size