For families, individuals, children and young people, professionals and organisations
SATURDAY 30 MARCH 2019 11:00-15:00
London Vision South East, Can Mezzanine 7-14 Great Dover Street, London, SE1 4YR
Come along to find out about the new parent network and what’s available, or needed, in your area, and for general information and advice:
- Eye condition information
- Parent networking
- Wellbeing
- Education and pre-school
- Employment
- Leisure, hobbies, travel and sport
- Technology
- Benefits
- Your rights
- Mobility
Workshops: Drumming (TBC), Education, Habilitation and Mentoring
Book your place by calling: 0203 815 3660 or emailing:
Light lunch/refreshments available for everyone who books
The Nystagmus Network will be there! Please come along and say hello.