The Nystagmus Network was privileged and proud to be joined at Open Day 2017 on 30 September by representatives from the 6 UK centres of excellence in nystagmus research.
Each team presented news of the latest developments over the past year and highlighted work in progress for the future.
Professor Jonathan T. Erichsen, DPhil, Professor of Visual Neuroscience, School of Optometry and Vision Sciences at Cardiff University gave the following presentation:
Meanwhile, Jon’s colleague, Asma Zahidi, a researcher with the School of Optometry and Vision Sciences at Cardiff University, was recruiting to her latest study into Characteristics and Impact in Children with and without Down’s Syndrome. This is a joint project between the Research Unit for Nystagmus (RUN) and the Down’s Syndrome Vision Research Unit.
Delegates at Open Day were able to sign up to take part in the study and also try the eye-tracker machine which Asma had kindly brought along.