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Take part in research at Charing Cross Hospital, London

Sarah Hösli, Honorary Senior Research Fellow with the Brain and Vestibular Group at Imperial College London, part of Dr Barry Seemungal’s team, invites study participants.

She writes: “We are currently doing research on understanding the symptom of oscillopsia in people who have nystagmus due to vestibular conditions. To understand the underlying brain mechanisms better, we want to extend this testing to people with congenital nystagmus. The testing involves non-invasive brain stimulation (TMS) and would be done in a single session at Charing Cross Hospital in London. There is no risk associated with the testing.

At a later stage, we might also include patients with acquired nystagmus, especially patients with pendular nystagmus.

More details of the study and application contacts can be found by downloading the below information document.


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