Take part in research on disorientation

A team of researchers led by Dr Heiko Rust, based at the University of Basel Hospital in Switzerland, are inviting members of the UK nystagmus community to take part in a new research project.

They want to find out to what extent people with congenital or acquired nystagmus are more or less susceptible to developing disorientation symptoms compared to the general population.

Participation in the study will involve a 10-minue phone conversation with Dr Rust. You will be advised of the questions in advance. There will also be the option to record your eye movements on a smart-phone and submit the recording to the team.

Please download using the links below full details of the research including contact details for Dr Rust.


1a and 4a study infomation_nystagmus_and_disorientation symptoms_HMR_V1.0

In Word Doc:

1a and 4a study infomation_nystagmus_and_disorientation symptoms_HMR_V1.0

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