Gerard wearing a colourful shirt sitting in the BBC radio recording studio.

Another chance to hear our appeal

If you missed our BBC Radio 4 charity appeal broadcast on Sunday, there’s another chance to hear actor, singer, musician and children’s author, Gerard McDermott, who also happens to have … Continue reading Another chance to hear our appeal

Gerard wearing a colourful shirt sitting in the BBC radio recording studio.

Did you miss our appeal broadcast?

Actor, singer, musician and children’s author, Gerard McDermott, who also happens to have nystagmus, presented a BBC Radio 4 charity appeal on behalf of the Nystagmus Network on Sunday. If … Continue reading Did you miss our appeal broadcast?

Listen to our BBC Radio 4 charity appeal

Actor, singer, musician and children’s author, Gerard McDermott presents a BBC Radio 4 charity appeal on behalf of the Nystagmus Network today. Visit our BBC webpage here to listen The … Continue reading Listen to our BBC Radio 4 charity appeal

Gerard sits in a BBC radio recording studio, wearing a colourful shirt and smiling.

Gerard presents the Nystagmus Network our BBC Radio 4 charity appeal

Actor, singer, musician and children’s author, Gerard McDermott will present the BBC Radio 4 charity appeal on behalf of the Nystagmus Network on Sunday 11 August. Watch and hear Gerard … Continue reading Gerard presents the Nystagmus Network our BBC Radio 4 charity appeal