When your child has nystagmus there might be slightly more to think about before you wave goodbye at the school gates than new shoes and homework diaries. Especially in the … Continue reading Nystagmus and the new school term – by Elisheva Sokolic

When your child has nystagmus there might be slightly more to think about before you wave goodbye at the school gates than new shoes and homework diaries. Especially in the … Continue reading Nystagmus and the new school term – by Elisheva Sokolic
I’m Wil Maudsley and I was diagnosed with nystagmus at three months old. From the outset my family decided that I would do everything my peers would do and I … Continue reading Rugby champion shares his nystagmus story!
When Maxine and Matthew Wilson’s son, Charlie, was diagnosed with nystagmus at six months old, they freely admit they went into a panic, which is probably what most parents do … Continue reading Parents share their delight in their son’s success
Hi. I’m Lucie from Hampshire. I’m 21 years old and I’ve had nystagmus and ocular albinism since birth. I wanted to offer some comforting words to any young people or … Continue reading Meet Lucie!
have always enjoyed sport but often found that trying to take part was frustrating due to my nystagmus, particularly with sports that require seeing the movement of a ball and … Continue reading Sound tennis
It’s a traumatic experience for parents when their baby is diagnosed with an unknown condition. Mine didn’t know what to do when the doctor told them that their little girl … Continue reading Can people see past my wobbly eyes?
I had always planned on being a laid back parent. My son, born with perfect vision, had been a breeze. And then my daughter entered school. Even though she had … Continue reading I’m the parent I never thought I’d be
I’d be foolish to pretend that secondary school was a breeze with nystagmus. There were two ways to go about it; suffer in silence, or rise to the challenge. As … Continue reading Wobble and me (part 2)
My son, George, has congenital idiopathic nystagmus. The terminology may be familiar to ophthalmologists, but it’s baffling to anyone else. In George’s case, no one can identify a cause. So … Continue reading George has nystagmus – goodbye!
The woman at the piano stopped playing. She asked me whether I liked to sing. I replied I loved singing! She told me to join in with the rest of … Continue reading Wobble and me (part 1)