Asmaa is a postgraduate research student at the University of Sheffield. She’d love you to take part in her current study. Here she is to introduce it: “Hi, I’m … Continue reading Please help Asmaa with her research

Asmaa is a postgraduate research student at the University of Sheffield. She’d love you to take part in her current study. Here she is to introduce it: “Hi, I’m … Continue reading Please help Asmaa with her research
Jay Self is Associate Professor at the University of Southampton and a long-term supporter of the Nystagmus Network. He is a nystagmus researcher and eye doctor and is asking us … Continue reading Take part in research for shorter waiting lists
Research participation opportunity Developing university guidance for the socio-emotional needs of students with vision impairment PARTICIPANT INFORMATION You are invited to take part in a research project conducted by the … Continue reading Making university life better for visually impaired students
This study aims to look at how the brain behaves in response to changes in vision. There will be two visual examination tasks: one which involves a standard vision chart … Continue reading Research participation opportunity in Cambridge
Perceptual Learning for Nystagmus We are delighted to offer people who have nystagmus the opportunity to take part in an exciting new research study at the University of Plymouth, in … Continue reading Nystagmus research participation opportunity
Parents’ online get together, November 29 2023 7-9pm – guest speaker from CONTACT* At our next online get together for parents and carers we will be joined by a speaker … Continue reading Stress busting workshop for parents and carers
PRESS RELEASE, Thursday 5 October 2023 The Nystagmus Network has welcomed the publication of new guidance on the management of nystagmus in children by the Royal College of Ophthalmologists.The purpose … Continue reading Publication of Concise Practice Point for managing nystagmus in childhood
Please take a moment to nominate the Nystagmus Network for the chance to win a £1,000 donation. That’s enough to pay for a year’s supply of nystagmus information leaflets for … Continue reading Please nominate us to win a £1,000 donation
Are you aged between 16 and 25?Have you accessed UK-based eye clinic and low vision services as a child or young adult?If so, a team at the University of Sheffield … Continue reading New low vision study calls for participants
Peter’s nystagmus story comes in the form of a poem. Thank you for sharing, Peter And the boy inside me still cries Something is wrong with my eyes. At birth … Continue reading Peter’s nystagmus story