A guest post on behalf of Rachel, from the University of Birmingham: I am looking for students with vision impairment in the UK who are currently applying for higher education … Continue reading Calling university applicants

A guest post on behalf of Rachel, from the University of Birmingham: I am looking for students with vision impairment in the UK who are currently applying for higher education … Continue reading Calling university applicants
For families, individuals, children and young people, professionals and organisations SATURDAY 30 MARCH 2019 11:00-15:00 London Vision South East, Can Mezzanine 7-14 Great Dover Street, London, SE1 4YR Come along … Continue reading Patient Information Day at SELVIS
The Nystagmus Network has a free to download lesson plan about nystagmus. Designed for use in schools and preschools on Nystagmus Awareness Day or any other day of the year, … Continue reading A lesson in nystagmus
You can find a full draft guide to UK benefits from Social Welfare Training by clicking this link.Please also see our free to download guide to nystagmus and benefits, here. … Continue reading Benefits news for 2019 to 2020
The Nystagmus Network works tirelessly to raise awareness of nystagmus, not only on Nystagmus Awareness Day but throughout the year. Why raise awareness? We firmly believe that the more people … Continue reading Raising nystagmus awareness in 2019
If you’d like to find out what the Royal National College for the blind has to offer for visually impaired young people, why not go along to a forthcoming ‘have … Continue reading Considering the RNC?
The next meeting of our new North West regional group will take place on Saturday 26 January in Manchester. Nystagmus Network trustee, Marie Turnbull will once again be your host … Continue reading Manchester nystagmus network
The Nystagmus Network UK sends huge congratulations to Hanna and her fellow trustees for the successful launch, at the end of 2018, of the German Nystagmus Netzwerk. Our two organisations … Continue reading Wobbly Eyes in German
Our final advent calendar gift is something we offer every day of the year. Thank you to all our members, fundraisers and supporters who make it all possible. Happy Christmas!
If you’ve ever wondered how a person with nystagmus sees or how the condition affects their sight, listen to Richard, Harriet and Will explain in our video. You can show … Continue reading Nystagmus, the way we see it