Our advent calendar of Christmas gifts

Throughout December the Nystagmus Network will be reminding everyone just how many wonderful gifts of support and information the charity has to offer, not just at Christmas, but throughout the year.

Each day a new gift will pop up in your nystagmus advent calendar on our blog, on Facebook and on Twitter. Please share these with your friends, family and colleagues and ask them to give just a little back this Christmas if they can.

Please also share our Nystagmus is … this Christmas messages.

Thank you for your support

Dan Williams crouches beside his guide dog, Zodiac.

Seeing Beyond the Eyes

The Nystagmus Network is pleased and proud to have played a tiny part in the Seeing Beyond the Eyes project, headed by Dan Williams at Visualise Training. Thanks to Dan, opticians throughout England and Wales now have a handy resource pack and ongoing training programmes to help them signpost patients for condition specific support, including nystagmus.
Listen to Dan talk about the project here
Download your own copy of the pack here.

Online Nystagmus Information Pack – one year on

Last November the University of Sheffield orthoptists launched their online Nystagmus Information Pack to great acclaim. The pack was jointly funded by the University of Sheffield, the British and Irish Orthoptic Society and the Nystagmus Network.

The information is invaluable to patients, parents, teachers and clinicians.

Click here for the Information Pack

Patient Information Day – Moorfields

Moorfields Eye Hospital is holding an information day for adults with nystagmus since childhood. The day will allow you the opportunity to directly influence the patient pathway from diagnosis to treatment and the support services available.

There will be talks and lots of discussion about the way forward for nystagmus patient care and treatment.

The Nystagmus Network’s Sue will also be there.

Please click here for more details and to register for your FREE place.