As Mike takes on his latest Walk for Wiggly Eyes 4 challenge in Croatia, his Mum, Karen, tells us about an amazing party she hosted for Mike, his family and … Continue reading Mike’s Southampton family send off

As Mike takes on his latest Walk for Wiggly Eyes 4 challenge in Croatia, his Mum, Karen, tells us about an amazing party she hosted for Mike, his family and … Continue reading Mike’s Southampton family send off
Guest post from Saima Begum, University College London I am a student at University College London, studying at the Institute of Education and I am emailing to ask for your … Continue reading Technology use in young people with impaired vision
A Guest Post by author and nystagmus Mum, Nadine Neckles So the world has turned on its head and what we once considered normal and safe has morphed into anxiety … Continue reading Homeschooling and nystagmus
In this Guest Post, Neil writes about his experiences of lockdown as a visually impaired person. I’m registered partially sighted and diagnosed with nystagmus and ocular albinism from birth. Both … Continue reading Nystagmus in lockdown
Guest post from Roselle Potts, Albinism Fellowship For more information, please contact Roselle Potts, email: [email protected] While the birth of a new baby is an occasion to celebrate, parents of … Continue reading Welcome boost for new mums and dads of young children with albinism
A guest post from Rosaleen Dempsey, RNIB Hi there I am from the children’s services in RNIB. Wonder if you would mind sharing a survey for families about the impact … Continue reading The impact of COVID-19 on visually impaired children
Parent carer voices are essential to help shape the services they need for their children and young people. The East Sussex Parent Carer Forum would like you to get involved.
A guest post. A couple of years ago, I wrote a piece about being a parent with nystagmus of a child without. That child is now old enough to tell … Continue reading Julia’s musical adventures
GUEST POST: Founder of Visualise Training and Consultancy and Seeing Beyond the Eyes CET roadshow lead, Daniel Williams has retinitis pigmentosa. In this article, he asks if it is time … Continue reading Is it time to review partially sighted or blind certification?
GUEST POST: Daniel Williams, Founder of Visualise Training and Consultancy, looks at how smart home technology can be life changing for blind and partially sighted people As the world becomes … Continue reading Smart Home Technology Increases Access and Independence for Blind and Partially Sighted people