A poster with deails of this research participation opportunity featrung the logo of the University of Strathclyde and a diagram of a map from home to hospital with a car and a bus on a wiggly road.

Calling people living with nystagmus in Scotland who are over 65

Are you an older adult living with visual impairment?
We are a team of researchers at the University of Strathclyde who want to explore your experiences of travelling from home to healthcare premises in Scotland.
What is the purpose of this study?
This study aims to understand the challenges faced and strategies used by older people with visual impairments when navigating to and within healthcare settings. We want to develop recommendations on how healthcare environments should be designed or improved to accommodate the needs of this population among other users.
Who can participate?
You must meet the following criteria to participate:
• Aged 65 and over
• Have a visual impairment (registered or not)
• Speak and understand English
• Live at home
• Able to walk outside of their home (independently or accompanied)
What will you do?
You will participate in one interview session, no longer than 60 minutes.
The interview can take place online, over the phone or in person at the university or somewhere local.
You will be offered a small token of appreciation for your time and any expenses will be reimbursed.
If you are interested in participating or know someone who might be, please contact:
Parastoo Zali
A person undergoing a sight test

Take part in research

Division of Optometry and Visual Sciences, School of Health Sciences, City, University of London

People with a visual impairment needed for research into the effect of the pandemic on people living with a visual impairment

We are looking for volunteers, aged 18 or over, who are living with a visual impairment in the UK to take part in a study investigating the effects of the pandemic on those with a visual impairment, their caregivers and those providing low vision services to them; and how lessons learnt can inform future low vision services and support.

As a study participant, you have the option to complete one or two online questionnaires about your experiences and views, one is about how the pandemic affected you and your wellbeing, the other asks about the effect on your Low Vision support services.  There are options of an e-mailed Word document or paper version of the questionnaire if required.

If you are not able to answer the questions on line, computer / tablet / smartphone or on paper but would like to take part, please e-mail [email protected] with your phone number and she will contact you to arrange to help you to complete the questionnaires over the phone.

Questionnaires would be expected to take 10 – 15 minutes to complete.

In appreciation of your participation, you would have the opportunity to be entered into a prize draw for a £50.00 Love2Shop Gift Card.

For more information about this study, or to volunteer to take part, 
please contact: Liz Frost at [email protected] or –

To take part in the questionnaire about the effects on your wellbeing click on this <link>.

To take part in the questionnaire about the effects on your LV support services click on this <link>.

 You are welcome to take part in either or both of the questionnaires.

This study has been reviewed by, and received ethics clearance, through the Optometry Proportionate Review Committee, in the School of Health Sciences, City, University of London (ETH2021-2175).

If you would like to complain about any aspect of the study, please contact the Secretary to the Senate Research Ethics Committee on 020 7040 3040 or via email: [email protected]

City, University of London is the data controller for the personal data collected for this research project. If you have any data protection concerns about this research project, please contact City’s Information Compliance Team at [email protected]

Diagrammatic representation of a typical circadian rythm.

Circadian Therapeutics Sleep Health Survey

Circadian Therapeutics are seeking vision-impaired individuals between 18 – 70 years to participate in a research project exploring experiences of sleep and daily rhythm disruption.

In partnership with the Blind Veterans UK, Circadian Therapeutics is running a survey to identify sleep and circadian disruption experienced by vision impaired individuals. The purpose of this work, first launched in March 2020, is to provide informed feedback to the Visually Impaired UK community about living with sleep and circadian disruption. The research team are now seeking more participants.

The aim and purpose of the survey:

Sleep and biological daily rhythms (circadian rhythms) are essential to maintaining the healthy balance and functioning of the mind and body. Our master internal circadian clock coordinates our body’s daily physiological and behavioural cycles to the Earth’s solar day – including daytime alertness and sleep timing, to synchronization of changes in hormone secretion, to fluctuations in mood and cognitive ability.

Sleep and circadian rhythm disruption (SCRD) is widely experienced in our communities, with the scope of the problem often underreported. Common suffers range from teenagers, new mothers and shift workers, to individuals with depression and the severely Vision Impaired, and is an underlying feature in many of the most challenging diseases of our time, including cardiovascular disease, cancer and neuropsychiatric diseases.

The Sleep and Circadian Health Survey

The aim of this survey is to identify sleep and circadian disruption experienced by Vision Impaired individuals in order to provide informed feedback to the Visually Impaired UK community about living with sleep and circadian disruption.

Taking Part

The link below provides interested individuals with a simple method to register their interest in the Online Survey and how to find out more about the study. The Survey can be completed at home or by telephone. 

Register your interest in the Online Sleep Survey here

the logo of the University of Birmingham and VICTAR

Vision impairment and employment – a research project

Guest Post: Dr. Liz Ellis, VICTAR, University of Birmingham

The Vision Impairment Centre for Teaching and Research (VICTAR) at the University of Birmingham is conducting research to understand more about the factors which contribute to employment outcomes (the good and not so good) for individuals with a visual impairment, living and/or working in Greater London. This project is being funded by the Vision Foundation and will help to ensure their work is evidence-based and impactful.

We would like to talk with people with vision impairment who are working at the moment, those who are not working, those working in their dream job, those who are looking for a career move, those in part-time jobs, as well as those working full-time – we want to hear about a range of different experiences via an online focus group.

We would also like to talk, via an online focus group, with professionals who have experience of supporting individuals with vision impairment into employment.

Anyone who is aged 18 years or over, in Greater London and interested and able to help should click the link for more information and the option to register to participate. All participants will receive a £20 shopping voucher as a token of appreciation for their time.

For more information please contact Dr. Liz Ellis by email at [email protected]

Technology use in young people with impaired vision

Guest post from Saima Begum, University College London

I am a student at University College London, studying at the Institute of Education and I am emailing to ask for your help with my Masters research project into Vision Impairment.

This project aims to examine technology use in young people with vision impairment, and whether this influences their educational attainment.

There is much research that has found that technology such as screen-readers on phones have been useful for people with vision impairment to be able to function in everyday life, so my project is aiming to look at whether technology use can also have positive effects on education.

Moreover, because of the increasing use of social media, I plan to look at whether technology use can have a positive effect on friendships. This data is important to collect as it will show how young people with VI use technology, and how this could be utilised so they perform better in school.

Participants are invited, between the ages of 11 and 18.

All questionnaires can be completed online, and participants can do this from the comfort of their own homes.

Click or tap here for the questionnaire 

The questionnaire is accessible for screen readers. The first page of the questionnaire also includes an information sheet with more details regarding the project.