A mature woman interacts with a number of young children.

Our Facebook group for grandparents

When your child becomes a parent your relationship with them moves into an exciting new phase. Alongside that, you have an entirely new little person to get to know. It’s a big step for all of you. For some it comes naturally, others might prefer to prepare for their new role. Do you play it by ear or read all the ‘good granny’ guides?

And how does nystagmus fit in to all of that?

Meet other ‘nystagmus’ grandparents, learn more about the condition and how to support your family in our brand new Facebook group for grandparents.

Join the group here

Children reading The Gruffalo.

The impact of COVID-19 on visually impaired children

A guest post from Rosaleen Dempsey, RNIB

Hi there

I am from the children’s services in RNIB. Wonder if you would mind sharing a survey for families about the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the education and development of children with VI. Survey has been designed by partners in the sight loss sector and is U.K. wide.

Parents’ survey closing this Friday – 15 May

This is the final week to to tell our governments/assemblies across the U.K. about the impact the COVID19 crisis and lockdown is having on the learning & development of your children and young people with VI. Please take a few minutes to fill it in if you can.

Take the survey here

Many thanks,
Rosaleen Dempsey,

Are you going to LookFest 2020?

LookFest is an accessible family festival outdoors and under canvas for families where there are children and young people with impaired vision.
After the huge success of LookFest 19, they’re doing it all over again in July 2020.

Join them in the beautiful Herefordshire countryside for a fun-filled weekend with the #LookFamily

See the highlights of last year’s festival and find out what to expect in 2020, here:

LookFest 2020 preview