Mike and his nephew, both wearing WWE T-shirts, fist bump for the camera.

Mike’s Southampton family send off

As Mike takes on his latest Walk for Wiggly Eyes 4 challenge in Croatia, his Mum, Karen, tells us about an amazing party she hosted for Mike, his family and friends at home in Southampton.

“Mike of Walk for Wiggly Eyes (W4WE) had a week’s stop at home before he started the challenging 1400 mile walk along the Croatian Long Distance Trail (CLDT).  This presented a great opportunity for friends and family to have a get together for a fun(d) raising party. Thanks to the generosity of everyone and the fantastic gifts that were given as prizes for the raffle, over £900 was raised to share between the Nystagmus Network and Gift Of Sight.

‘Mike has congenital nystagmus and consequently his vision is impaired however his inspiration for this walk is his nephew Archie (pictured with Mike) who also was born with nystagmus. Mike’s goal via his W4WE fundraising is to continue to raise awareness of nystagmus and donations to fund ongoing research to improve the sight of those living with nystagmus and other eyesight conditions.

‘Mike is now on the CLDT trail and he is going to have to tackle many obstacles along the way. You can follow his journey via https://www.walkforwigglyeyes.com/ and if you would like to donate to help Mike reach his target please click on the link  https://www.justgiving.com/page/walk-for-wiggly-eyes-nystagmus-network4″

Thank you Karen and thank you to everyone who gave so generously at the party.