Our fabulous Baker boy!

Steve Baker, who’s Twitter handle is, appropriately, @fabbakerboy, will be running the London marathon this Sunday for nystagmus research at Moorfields.

Not content with just one marathon, Steve, who has congenital nystagmus himself, is also taking on this year the QE Marathon in March and the North Downs Way 50 mile ultramarathon in May.

Steve is fundraising for Moorfields Eye Charity and every pound he raises will go into a specially dedicated ‘nystagmus research’ pot .

Steve says: “Moorfields Eye Hospital is an internationally renowned centre of excellence when it comes to pioneering eye treatment. If you have anything seriously wrong with your eyes Moorfields is the place to go.

“I started going there some 38 years ago when I was just two years old and continued to go every year until I was 16. I have a condition called nystagmus, which is when the eyes shake. This is a rare condition and most people who suffer from it are registered blind.

“However, I was fortunate enough to be able to see OK with the use of glasses. These glasses would be prescribed every year at the end of my annual visit to Moorfields, which would involve hours of testing on my eyes.

“Throughout this time my eyes slowly improved, but not enough for me to comfortably pass a sight test for driving.

“Then in 2001, after I’d finished education, I had the opportunity of undergoing a pioneering operation at Moorfields to correct the squint in my eyes and reduce the nystagmus. Following the operation my eyes went from a 17 degree squint to just 1 degree. A 1 degree squint is negligible and barely noticeable. The effect on my eyesight was life changing – I could now see more than well enough to drive and wear contacts if I so chose. Having the chance of being able to drive gave me the confidence to become a journalist, where driving is almost a prerequisite, and set me on the road for being the writer I am today.

“My eyes continue to improve year on year. I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Moorfields and would love to help them save the sight and change the lives of many more people.”

A highly commendable ambition, Steve. Thank you!

You can sponsor Steve, here.