Please support Adam

Please sponsor Adam. He’s standing by to run the postponed London Marathon for the Nystagmus Network, as soon as restrictions are lifted.
Adam is running the London Marathon this year, for his daughter, Florence and for all of us.

Adam says: “I am honoured to be running the 2020 London Marathon on behalf of the Nystagmus Network. 

‘My little Florence was born with Congenital Nystagmus … As it stands, there is no cure and so it’s likely that this condition will affect Florence’s vision her whole life. It’s unclear by how much or how little, only time will tell.. but for now, Florence hasn’t let it get in her way! Every day, both she and her twin brother amaze us. 

‘I hope by running the Marathon on behalf of this charity, I can not only raise awareness of Nystagmus but raise some vital funds, helping the continued research, information and support for families like us.”

Please consider donating your weekly commute, coffee bill or the price of a night out to show Adam your love and support.

Please sponsor Adam here.