Sue weas a pink polo shirt and carries a beach bag, sunglasses and her shoes. She is on a beach.

Sue’s 1984 Story

In 1984 I had never heard of nystagmus and had no connection with the condition at all. 

It was for me a very momentous year, though, because it was the year I met the man who was to become my husband. 

We were both studying Travel and Tourism and became firm friends, helping each other prepare for our British Airways fares and ticketing qualifications.

We married in 1987 and then in 1991 heard the word nystagmus for the very first time when our second child was born, our daughter.

Soon afterwards we were introduced to the Nystagmus Network and have stayed connected with the charity ever since. After serving as a volunteer Parent Adviser and Trustee I became a member of the staff team in 2015.

You can watch a short video here about the story of my daughter’s diagnosis, my very first encounter with the Nystagmus Network and what happened after that. 

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