A group of adults and children walking together along a gravel path in a park with large trees.

Walk with us

On 18 and 19 May we’re encouraging all our followers and supporters to get out for a walk. The weekend falls during Mental Health Awareness Week. Spending time outside with a friend or family member, or even simply enjoying some fresh air alone, is known to boost positivity and is good for both physical and mental health.

So, we’re inviting members of the nystagmus community to join us for a walk, in your local area, wherever you are. Whether you choose a park, the beach, a quiet corner of your city or a leafy lane, whether you go solo or invite others along, let us know where you’ll be walking to supercharge your health and wellbeing for the summer months ahead.

Record your nystagmus walk by emailing us at [email protected]

Sue, wearing her Nystagmus Network T-shirt, sits on the wall of a churchyard with her two Irish Setter dogs.     Sue will be walking with Ailbe and Bella.

Onyeka in a park near her home. She is wearing her Nystagmus Network T-shirt.     Onyeka will be walking in her local park.

A young boy wearing a green T-shirt, blue shorts, a sun hat and sunglasses sits in a tree.     Henry will be walking in the woods with his family.

Visual impairment and mental health

Children aged between 8 and 11 years old who live with a visual impairment are three times more likely to develop a mental health problem than children with no visual impairment, according to new research.

The Nystagmus Network has been aware of this for a long time and always highlights the social and emotional aspects of nystagmus with parents and teachers.

Please click the link to read the full article in Optometry Today.