It’s fitting that our final nystagmus hero of 2020 is someone who has been working tirelessly all year looking after some of our most vulnerable people. Zoe is a care … Continue reading Thank you, Zoe

It’s fitting that our final nystagmus hero of 2020 is someone who has been working tirelessly all year looking after some of our most vulnerable people. Zoe is a care … Continue reading Thank you, Zoe
Now that lockdown measures are easing, lots of people, including those who are shielding for health reasons, are keen to ensure that social distancing guidelines continue to be followed. Some … Continue reading Please give me space
Sara works hard part time as Information Support Officer with the Nystagmus Network, but did you know she also works on the NHS front line? She’s even working today on … Continue reading Sara on the NHS front line
On 15 November we mark the birthday of Nye Bevan, the founding father of the National Health Service, which marks its own 70th birthday this year. Although it is not … Continue reading Happy Birthday, Nye!