Charlie loves football. He also loves his team. When they were short of money to pay for the under 7s new kit, Charlie had the brilliant idea of asking the … Continue reading Charlie’s Nystagmus Network football team

Charlie loves football. He also loves his team. When they were short of money to pay for the under 7s new kit, Charlie had the brilliant idea of asking the … Continue reading Charlie’s Nystagmus Network football team
It’s still possible to run a marathon this year. You’ve been keeping fit during lockdown. Your training continued on your daily time outside. All the big runs are cancelled, but … Continue reading Want to run a virtual marathon for the Nystagmus Network? You can! Here’s how.
The biggest nystagmus event of the year takes place on Saturday, 29 September in Birmingham. This is our annual Open Day, where 200 nystagmus families get together to talk about … Continue reading Sponsors sought for Open Day 2018